Nutritional Content Of Our Chuncho cacao (Real Test Lab Results)
This is exactly how healthy Cacao really is for you!
Cacao, often misinterpreted as a guilty pleasure, emerges as a nutritional powerhouse in the realm of superfoods. To confirm the nutritional content and prove to you just how healthy cacao can be, we sent one of our bags of Chuncho cacao from Peru to an independent test laboratory. The results illuminate the remarkable nutritional content of cacao as follows:
Polyphenols in Cacao
The polyphenols contained in cocoa, especially the flavanoids, have antioxidant properties. They can help reduce oxidative stress and fight inflammation, which may contribute to improved heart health.This not only contributes to heart health but also enhances cognitive function, potentially reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Recent studies suggest that polyphenols in cacao may also promote gut health by supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria!
Magnesium in Cacao
Cacao is an excellent source of magnesium. Our Chuncho Cacao contains 2610mg of Magnesium per kg. Magnesium is said to support many bodily functions, including muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Additionally, it plays a pivotal role in protein formation and DNA synthesis. New research highlights magnesium's potential role in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and improving sleep quality.
Iron in Cacao
Our Chuncho Cacao contains 37.83 mg of Iron per kg, which helps form haemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the heart to the rest of the body. Similar to Magnesium Iron also plays a vital role in immune system function and DNA synthesis. Recent findings suggest that the iron in cacao may be more easily absorbed by the body compared to other plant-based iron sources.
Zinc in Cacao
Zinc is an essential trace element found in cacao, with that being said our Chuncho cacao from Peru contains 37.73 mg of Zinc per kg. It is necessary for the function of over 300 enzymes in the body and plays a crucial role in immune function, protein and DNA synthesis, and cell division. Emerging studies indicate that zinc in cacao may play a role in supporting skin health and wound healing.
Manganese in Cacao
Our Chuncho cacao contains 29.70 mg of manganese per kg. Manganese is known to be a vital trace element important in collagen formation for healthy skin and bones. It further supports metabolism and antioxidant processes in the body. Ongoing research suggests that manganese may contribute to joint health and reduce inflammation.
Phosphorus in Cacao
Cacao also contains phosphorus and Chuncho Cacao from Peru contains 3870 mg of phosphorus per kg. Phosphorus is a mineral essential for the body to form and maintain bones and teeth. Not only does it contribute to kidney and heart function. Phosphorus, as a key player in energy metabolism, ensures that the heart receives the necessary fuel for its continuous rhythmic activity. This is particularly vital in promoting overall cardiac health and preventing fatigue or stress on the heart muscle. You can also read more about how cacao influences your overall heart health in this blog post.
Theobromine in Cacao
Theobromine is a stimulant compound found in cacao and our Chuncho cacao contains 0.69 g of theobromine per every 100 g. Theobromine not only elevates energy levels and mood but also exhibits diuretic, stimulant, and relaxing effects. A versatile boon! Some research studies propose that theobromine may have potential cardiovascular benefits by improving blood flow and reducing blood pressure.
Caffeine in Cacao
Cacao contains a small amount of caffeine , which is known to increase alertness and energy levels. Caffeine can also help increase cognitive performance and improve physical performance. However, our test lab samples indicate that Chuncho cacao contained only 0.29g of caffeine for every 100g of cacao! This is why cacao is a healthier alternative to coffee. You can also read more about the wellness benefits of cacao compared to coffee in our blog post!
A cup of Chuncho Cacao (10 drops / 15g) contains... [results from an independent test laboratory]
Here are the laboratory evaluations of the Eurofins laboratory as a PDF .
Hey Marco,
Der Cadmium-Gehalt des Chuncho Kakaos überschreitet selbstverständlich nicht die gesetzlichen EU-Normwerte, sonst könnten wir ihn gar nicht verkaufen. In dem technischen Datenblatt unseres Produzenten ist leider lediglich vermerkt, dass die Grenze nicht überschritten wurde. Genaue Daten habe ich eben aber angefragt und teile sie dir gerne mit, sobald ich sie vorliegen habe!
Im Allgemeinen kann ich dir dszbzgl. schonmal eine kleine Entwarnung geben: Cadmium ist ein natürlicherweise in vielen tropischen Böden verkommendes Schwermetall, das über die Wurzeln ins System der Kakao-Pflanze und damit natürlich auch in die Kakaofrucht und die Bohnen gelangt.
Es handelt sich hier also nicht um ein künstlich (durch Menschenhand) zugefügtes Schwermetall, wie es z.B. beim Blei im Fischfang der Fall ist.
Die Obergrenzen, die die EU setzt, sind ein bisschen absurd, da sie für fertige Produkte und nicht die Rohmaterialien selbst gelten und damit vor allem hochprozentige Schokoladen ins Visier nehmen. Will heißen: Wenn du dir eine ganze Tafel Milka reindrückst, dann nimmst du mitunter ABSOLUT gesehen deutlich mehr Cadmium zu dir als wenn du eine Tasse 100-ige Schokolade trinkst, auch wenn die 100-ige RELATIV gesehen mehr Cadmium enthält.
Beste Grüße,
Mich persönlich sind die Cadmium Werte für die Kaufentscheidung, von Bedeutender Rolle. Vielleicht können Sie mir darüber Auskunft erteilen.
Beste Grüße
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